
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crying in the rain

Sad, isn't it?

And yet, how many thousands can relate to this picture? I found it on Facebook, shared and commented on by so many people I could never recount them all to you. Their comments were along the lines of: "Aw....", and "I so understand" and "Yep, that's me" and so on. Why? 

Is it so terrible for someone to see a tear roll down a cheek; even if that cheek is yours? Is it a death sentence to have someone witness an expression of sorrow coming from you--an expression that will clearly indicate that you're hurting? 

The answer, for yes. And no.

No in the sense that I'd cry if I could. Maybe you're nodding your head at that one; maybe you can relate. "I'd cry if I could, but I just can't, so why bother?" But yes in the sense that, whenever the tears are unrestrainable, they're hidden.... On a sleeve, in a rainstorm, in the pillow, behind a locked door, shed in complete silence, or just running rivulets down a heart. 

But why all this restraint? I know for me, I've learned it--it's become a part of my inherent nature, and that's just the way things are. I don't cry... Unless you can find a way inside. But I know I'm not the only one. 

I'm aware of the events that have shaped my life and made me the way I am. But what about others? I don't know their stories; I never can understand or fully comprehend what someone else is going through, has gone through, or will go through in this life. I just can't. None of us really fully can until we've walked a mile in their moccasins, to put it plainly. But really now... Why not just cry?

They say the cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea. I'm inclined to believe them in a small sense. In a larger sense, however, I know that the greatest cure for anything is the One who loves each one of us more than any can ever comprehend. He sees the tears, whether shed or unshed...or are they really unshed?

Tears. They can be the most precious...and rare...things on Earth.

Are you hiding your tears? Keeping them in for fear of vulnerability? Forcing them to remain inside? Do you only cry in the rain? 

I would encourage each of you, whether your tears come easy or no, to lift your faces up to Heaven and let God see your tears. Let Him share in your sorrows. Let Him comfort you, and assure you that "everything will be okay". Let Him hold you in His arms and let yourself weep out your sorrow to Him. He's the best place for that, you know.

And my challenge to you tonight is this: Look around at those who you come into contact with often. Many times, they're pasting a smile on a hurting heart. Are you living your life, concerned about your own troubles, and not bothering to look around long enough to perhaps unlock another heart and dry away the tears inside? Am I looking for tears? Am I allowing myself to shed tears? Or am I crying in the rain?

I can say this much with perfect certainty: I look for tears. 

To the other two, I haven't much to say.... But for now, I'll probably just walk in the rain.

What about you? 

Are you crying in the rain?

Or are you dancing in it? 

To Dance in the Rain
It had been MINE, I fiercely protested,
And now it had been stolen from me.
For that precious blessing I had earnestly fought, 
for it everything I had wanted to be.

But it fluttered away on the wings of the wind, 
perhaps nevermore to return:
leaving my heart in a tangle of feelings,
with so many lessons to learn.

"Just let it all go," some said in reply, 
"and things will turn out for the best."
But how could I let go of something like this,
when so close to my heart it was pressed?

I tried but a bit, succeeded not at all,
and utterly gave up in despair.
"I cant let it go," I said in dismay, 

"Twil forever and always be there."
So anger, pain, and resentment grew;
they burned inside my heart.
I wept and fumed over something lost,
when it hadnt been mine from the start.

I sat with my head hung low in bitterness,
low thunderclouds crashing above,
when I heard a Voice speaking so softly and clear,
filled with light, and with warmth, and with love.
It said one phrase again and again 
that I vow I could never forget;
"Lifes about learning to dance in the rain,
not stomping in puddles of regret."

I looked up from my puddle of pain and remorse
and realized I wasnt alone.
Jesus was standing in front of my puddle,
with a face just as sad as my own.
I inquired of Him why He looked this way; 
what was it that made Him shed tears?
His reply nearly made me forget all my pain,
my sorrows, my angers, my fears.

"Ive been standing here waiting for you to look up
and realize that you need My peace.
Only through Me can you hope to let go,
only through Me that blessing release.
You never can know the joy that youll find,
or the freedom that youll surely feel
from the anger and jealousy now in your heart
til you at My cross finally kneel."

It didnt take long for my tears to rain down,
and regret to course through my mind.
Here I had sat in my anger and grief,
when so easily I couldve left it behind!

With effort and with a fierce struggle inside,
I took Jesus' hand and stood to my feet,
and as down my face bright raindrops streamed,

through Him I finally that blessing released.
A flood of relief broke over my soul
and with a glorious smile on my face,
my heart soon began to dance in the rain,

full of life, love, forgiveness, and grace. 

Choose. Will you dance, or cry?


  1. Gulp Uh, thanks Heidi. Wow. Good timing.

    1. I actually wasn't going to post anything tonight, for that same reason. It wasn't my timing, Araya... It was God's. :')

  2. Keep writing to Him from your heart dearest child...there is healing to come...thankyou for sharing your have again touched mine! I love you bunches!

  3. You have found the true source of wisdom, and He is speaking through you. I am honored to be your earthly father.....

  4. Amen!! What an awesome post Heidi. So many times I find myself hiding the tears as well, but as I've learned, "real men cry". It's nothing to be ashamed of. But what's even better is that there is One who can see our tears even in the rain! He is always there to comfort us. Thanks for the encouraging post. Smiles!! :D
