
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

For Those Tears

For Those Tears

He sits out in front of a two car garage,
and he watches the kids rushing by.
He’d jump up and run, but he’ll never be able to;
he’s crippled you see, in both legs.
He’d give almost anything to be free from his chair,
and a tear trickles down from his eye.
But Someone above points down in love and says,
“Look; ‘twas for those tears I died.”

She’s walking alone down a portion of road
with a baby strapped onto her back.
She carries a basket of rice on her head;
she’s been married for nearly 6 years.
That marriage has stolen her childhood away,
and when she sees other children, she sighs.
But there’s Someone that sees all the tears kept inside
and He says, “See? For those tears I died.”

He sits at his desk in an office department
and tries to distract from the pain.
He and his wife just lost another child yesterday,
but life has to pick up just like before.
In despair and pure anguish he drops his head in his hands;
tears rain, he’s too tired to try. 
But Someone somewhere feels every care
and whispers, “My Child, for those tears I died.”

These pictures of sorrow He views every day
We’ll never know how much He sees.
The comforting thought is when I’m pained and distraught,
that then all His attention is on me.

He hung in midair from a cross in shame
while guards gambled and crowds jeered below.
He’s torn and He’s bleeding, He’s heartsick, alone;
does it really seem worth all of this?  
But that Someone that hung on that cross long ago
looked down through the ages of time.
He saw every tear that you ever would cry
and He said, “Yes; for those tears I will die.”